We were born in 2003 as part of the Ecology Project International organization, which, in order to guarantee the continuity of its long-term work in Galapagos, promoted the creation of the local foundation "Education for Sustainable Communities" (ECOS by its acronym in Spanish).

We are an Ecuadorian foundation based in Galapagos that educates for a more sustainable future. Under the framework of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), our programs generate knowledge, skills and promote personal and societal transformation.

We collaborate with the environmental education areas of the Galapagos National Park, the Galápagos Biosecurity & Quarantine Regulation & Control Agency and other actors to strengthen community outreach programs. We believe in communities that coexist in harmony with their human and natural environment.

Our partners

Highest environment authority in the Galapagos Islands. We support their conservation efforts in the protected areas of the archipelago, through the support of their environmental education programs and the conservation service carried out by our students.

Agency in charge of controlling, regulating, preventing and reducing the risk of the introduction, movement and dispersion of exotic organisms in the Galapagos Islands. We develop educational programs so that the community actively participates in the prevention and control of invasive species.

Governing body of educational policy throughout the country. We collaborate with the Ministry in the coordination of participatory processes for the construction of public policy and educational innovation in the islands.

We were born in 2003 as part of Ecology Project International, who, in order to guarantee the continuity of their work in Galapagos, promoted the creation of ECOS. We work collaboratively to strengthen the common purpose that links us.

Board of directors

Ana Maria Loose​


I am Ecuadorian, journalist by profession. I am passionate about nature and education. I have directed several non-governmental organizations and I have dedicated the last two decades to developing experiential education programs, educational innovation and construction of public policy for educational quality. I led a participatory process for developing the Galapagos Curriculum with a focus on Sustainability, which is official for the entire educational system

Manuel Bravo


Biologist with more than 30 years of experience in conservation and management of protected areas and mangroves. He has a Master's Degree in Management of Bioaquatic Resources and the Environment and studies in conflict facilitation and mediation. He was Undersecretary of Natural Heritage and Vice Minister of the Ministry of the Environment. Since 2000 he has been working on strengthening the control and surveillance systems of Ecuador's Marine Protected Areas.

Monserrat Creamer

PhD in Education, she was Minister of Education from 2019 to 2021. With a Master's degree in Teaching and Educommunication and a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, she has a long history in education and teaching. She implemented the Learning Communities program and was an advisor to the Higher Education Council and the Ministry of Education for the creation of the National University of Education - UNAE. She is the author of texts on the Development of Critical Thinking in the classroom and other articles on education.

Anne Guézou

With dual nationality, French and Ecuadorian, she has more than 22 years of experience as a biologist and environmental educator in Ecuador and the Galapagos. Specialized in tropical botany with a master's degree from the University of Montpellier, she has worked in various fields related to environmental conservation as a marine biologist in Florida, a naturalist guide in Galapagos and a researcher in botany at the Charles Darwin Foundation. Over time, she has become increasingly involved in environmental education, which she considers key to conservation and sustainability.

Maria Luisa Buitron

Environmental educator by profession with a great passion for conservation and education. She did her postgraduate degree in Social Sciences. She has worked in positions such as environmental educator and was District Director of Education 20D01 Galapagos. Her main areas of specialty and professional experience is experiential education in environmental education.

Our Staff


Visiting Program Coordinator

I graduated as a biologist with a specialization in marine ecology at Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ). I obtained my master's degree in Marine Resources Management in Baja California Sur, Mexico with the support of EFN-WWF scholarship. I have worked at USFQ as a research associate for different marine projects, including sharks and rays conservation as well as marine protected areas management. All these projects had an approach based on experiential education, promoting conservation and sustainability in coastal communities.

SebastiAn Pilla

Educador Experiencial

I am a young indigenous resident of Galapagos, cultural manager and experiential educator. I am President of the Santa Cruz Youth Advisory Council and I have had the opportunity to lead projects of a social, cultural and environmental nature in order to provide more opportunities for young people to contribute towards the sustainable community development of their island. I am passionate about the nature of Galapagos.

Martín Narváez

Gerente de Programas

I am a biologist who loves adventure. I have worked on various research projects around Ecuador, from the Amazon jungle to the Pacific coast. The last 4 years I have been working as an experiential educator, designing and implementing place-based learning activities for the sustainable development of Galapagos. I am passionate about photography and water activities such as swimming, freediving, scuba diving, white-water kayaking, and I’m a certified wilderness first responder.

Karina Pilla

Operations assistant

I was born in the Galapagos Islands, I studied Business Administration at the International University of Ecuador. In the last 4 years I have worked in the financial and administrative area of non-profit organizations.

Edith Quintero


I am an accountant and Commercial Engineer by profession and I have lived in Galapagos for 25 years. I have provided my services to both public and private institutions. Living in Galapagos has inspired me with the desire to contribute to the education of its community and to protect its natural resources.

Sofia Padilla

Financial Administrative Coordinator

Hice mis estudios en una carrera técnica administrativa y he complementado mis conocimientos en el área financiera, auditoría, control presupuestario entre otros. He acumulado más de 20 años de experiencia en el área administrativa financiera tanto en el ámbito de la cooperación internacional como en el sector público. He dedicado la mayor parte de mi vida laboral a contribuir a la conservación de Galápagos y al bienestar de su gente.

Acuerdo Galápagos por la Educación

Together with the Ministry of Education, we coordinate the Galapagos Agreement for Education (AGE by its acronym in Spanish), a public-private group that seeks continuous educational improvement in the islands, through the articulation and creation of public policy.

Escenarios vivenciales de aprendizaje

Galapagos provides a unique environment for learning outside of the classroom. EVAs (by its acronym in Spanish) provide multiple opportunities to make learning more relevant and lasting with the power of experience. This can be achieved by exposing students to new environments, or by interacting with experts or people in the community who can offer new learning. We designed EVAs as a support resource for teachers.